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Suture: Pronounced as ‘soo-chuh'

“What are sutures? Sutures, also known as stitches, are sterile surgical threads used to repair cuts.“ - Google

A good suture (Soochuh) keeps bonds together forever.




It all started with a dental student, wearing her first set of boxy Smurf blue scrubs. 


As most healthcare practitioners have become accustomed too, in South Africa, at least one year of community service is required in order to complete your healthcare professional qualification. 

And after 5 years of studying dentistry, in the same boxy blue scrubs, it was finally time to shine, in any colour other than blue! 

It was also then, that I realized the struggle of finding functionally comfortable, yet affordably flattering local brands to support, that also maintained stock on hand and were looking for sustainable approaches to the fast fashion crises.

Funny enough, in Cape Town during December’s ‘festive season,’ it’s almost impossible to find some things, such as accommodation or scrubs! “Commserve” was due to start in the first week of January. And I didn’t have either. The accommodation story is one for another day.


With market options limited, I gathered my Pinterest ideas, headed to the nearest fabric store, and begged my dressmaker to turn my vision of scrubs into reality. 


And just like that, without any pattern, the first two sets of SOOCHUH Scrubs were born, unknowingly at the time, and also in time for my first day as a Commserve dentist. 


After numerous compliments on the aesthetic and feel of the scrubs, from co-workers and the likes, it wasn’t too long after that the entire dental team was wearing my design. This was the “Kairotic” moment. The moment that made me realize, there could be more to this! After all the compliments, and requests for products from my family and friends, I had to pursue the need to fill a potential gap in the market. My design and vision for sustainable local functional fashion was in need and I had a purpose – to set up a business now formally known as SOOCHUH.


It was from hereon, that  things got real.

I partnered up with my husband, formally registered the business, and threw caution to the wind. 


After months of trials and error, discovering new things about an industry that is on our bodies daily, was daunting. Not knowing the difference between a pattern piece, pattern marker and a pattern maker. We managed to figure it out the best way we know how, together!


Still unsure as to whether it would sell, we kept our heads down and continued at the coal face. Persevering, learning from countless mistakes, but always learning & improving our design. Till eventually, we were happy with the design, found suitable fabrics, and quality-approved local manufacturers. 


We are now happy to bring, SOOCHUH, to the healthcare community. Forming ideas into realities, celebrating designs for our health force. And looking out for the communities in need.


We take this opportunity to thank each and every single one that has assisted, participated, guided, motivated, criticized and cared for us through the journey. 




Soochuh Contact Us 4

We don’t know where we'll be in a week or in a month. 
We do what we want for as long as we want, always trying out new experiences.

Soochuh scrubs male black and female burgundy premium sets

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